Monday, March 4, 2013


Today, I am thankful for:
Pink tulips on the coffee table—there's nothing better than fresh flowers to brighten up a room!
A dwindling countdown until spring break—I absolutely cannot wait to visit Grant in Paris and go back to my favorite city, London of course!
Self-discipline—nothing feels better than going for a run.
A new book from a good friend—more on this later!
Online shopping—or should I not be thankful for this? It's sooo tempting, but nothing is more fun than "just looking" at spring clothes! I adore thisthis, this
and I am secretly loving these.
Old photos—I always love reminiscing and looking through photographs from high school and the beginning of college.
New, yummy finds from Trader Joe's—seriously, that store never lets me down!

Hope your week is off to a wonderful start! xo


  1. Love love love ALL of this! And AMEN for Trader Joes! Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog. Excited to follow you and all your adventures! So amazing that you got to live in London. Kevin and I took a 3 week trip to the UK last year, and it was amazing! I LOVED all of it!!!

    1. Thank you so much Katie! The UK really is the greatest place—I just love it! xo
